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Kryptos The Interactive Puzzle Book
Your feedback is important to me
How experienced are you with interactive puzzle books?
This was my first one
I've done a couple
I'm an experienced interactive puzzler
Which age bracket do you fall into?
Younger than 6 years
6 - 8 years
9 - 11 years
12 - 15 years
Older than 15 years
Please rate your overall satisfaction with your Kryptos experience
Not great
A bit disappointing
Very good
Kryptos Kids is aimed at clever children aged 7+ and young teens. With this in mind how would you rate the difficulty of the puzzles?
Choose an option
Did you have any issues using the QR codes? If yes, please detail.
Did you have any issues inputting your answers online? If yes, please detail.
If there were any puzzles which you particularly liked or disliked please detail them here
Any other feedback you think it would be useful for me to know?
Thank you for submitting your feedback
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